fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com: A Comprehensive Overview


The fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com is a small yet significant church located in Middlesboro, Kentucky, known for its unique and controversial practice of snake handling during worship services. This church was founded in 1978 by Tommy Coots and has remained in the Coots family ever since, with leadership passing down through the generations.

History and Leadership

The church was originally established by Tommy Coots, and later, leadership passed to his son, Jamie Coots. Jamie became well-known, not just within the local community, but also nationally, due to his role in the National Geographic reality show Snake Salvation. The church follows a literal interpretation of the Bible, particularly focusing on Mark 16:17-18, which they believe mandates the handling of serpents as a demonstration of faith.

After Jamie Coots tragically died in 2014 from a rattlesnake bite during a church service, his son, Cody Coots, took over as pastor. Cody has continued the tradition, leading the congregation in this controversial practice despite the dangers it poses.

Beliefs and Practices

The church is part of a small subset of Pentecostal Christianity that practices snake handling, believing it to be a direct command from God. These churches emphasize miraculous signs as evidence of the Holy Spirit’s presence, which includes speaking in tongues, handling venomous snakes, and healing the sick. The Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name also practices other Pentecostal traditions, such as energetic worship services and strict adherence to holiness teachings.

Controversies and Challenges

The church’s practice of snake handling has brought both local and national attention, often surrounded by controversy. The death of Jamie Coots highlighted the dangers associated with this practice and sparked debates about religious freedom versus public safety. The church’s members have faced legal challenges, particularly related to the possession and transportation of dangerous wildlife.

Despite these challenges, the congregation remains committed to their faith, continuing the practice of snake handling as an integral part of their worship. Cody Coots, much like his father and grandfather before him, remains steadfast in his belief that handling snakes is a commandment from God, even at great personal risk.

Community and Impact

The church, while small, plays a significant role in the lives of its members, providing a close-knit community bonded by a shared belief in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. The congregation’s commitment to their unique interpretation of scripture has made them a subject of fascination and concern, both locally and beyond.

The fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com continues to stand as a testament to the deeply held beliefs of its members, who view their practices not as a test of faith, but as a demonstration of their unwavering devotion to God’s commands.

Snake Handling Tradition and Its Religious Significance

The practice of snake handling within the fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com is deeply rooted in the church’s interpretation of specific Biblical passages. Primarily, they refer to Mark 16:17-18, which states, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

For the congregation, handling snakes is not merely a ritual but an act of faith and obedience to what they believe is a direct command from God. The members are convinced that their actions are protected by divine power, and any harm that comes to them is either a test of faith or a sign from God. This practice is a powerful expression of their belief in God’s protection and their commitment to living a life that aligns with their interpretation of the Bible.

Legal and Social Implications

The fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com has faced numerous legal challenges due to its snake handling practices. In the United States, laws regarding the handling of dangerous wildlife vary by state, and in many places, it is illegal to possess venomous snakes without proper permits. The church’s practices have led to multiple arrests and legal battles over the years, including those involving its previous pastor, Jamie Coots.

These legal issues highlight the ongoing tension between religious freedom and public safety. The church argues that its practices are a constitutionally protected expression of religious belief, while authorities often view them as a public health hazard. This debate brings to the forefront broader questions about the limits of religious freedom, especially when such practices pose potential risks to individuals and the community at large.

Media Attention and Public Perception

The fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com gained national attention through its portrayal in the National Geographic reality show Snake Salvation. The show documented the lives of Jamie Coots and his congregation, providing a window into the world of snake handling churches. While the series brought visibility to this small religious group, it also attracted criticism and concern from viewers and religious scholars alike.

Public perception of the church is mixed. Some see the congregation’s practices as a dangerous and outdated form of worship, while others view them as a legitimate, albeit extreme, expression of religious belief. The media coverage has often focused on the sensational aspects of snake handling, sometimes overshadowing the broader religious and cultural context in which these practices are situated.

The Future of Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name

Under the leadership of Cody Coots, the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name continues to maintain its traditional practices, including snake handling. Despite the dangers and legal challenges, the church shows no signs of abandoning its unique form of worship. Cody, like his father before him, is committed to preserving the faith and traditions of his church, even in the face of adversity.

The future of the church may hinge on its ability to navigate the legal and social challenges it faces while staying true to its religious convictions. As with many small, insular religious communities, the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name’s survival will depend on the strength and dedication of its members, as well as their willingness to adapt to changing circumstances without compromising their core beliefs.


The fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com is more than just a church; it is a symbol of unwavering faith and the complexities of religious freedom in contemporary America. Through its practice of snake handling, the church has both fascinated and troubled outsiders, prompting questions about the limits of faith and the responsibilities of the state. As it moves forward under the leadership of Cody Coots, the church remains a testament to the power of belief and the enduring human spirit in the face of trials. See more

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